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100 Acts of Love

A Girlfriend's Guide to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer or Loss

This is your essential what-to-say, what-to-do when your friend has cancer guide! 100 Acts of Love offers you 100 easy ways to support your friend with cancer as well as tips on what to say and not to say. It's the life guide you're missing!  

"Oh Kim Hamer...If you've never experienced her writing, I'll tell you this - it will make you laugh and cry all at once, all while nodding your head, saying "oh YES, that totally makes sense"! And - "I can DO that." 100 Acts of Love is the best of everything she's ever written about caring for and supporting the people you love through the toughest times of their lives. It's an easy read with practical, and actual useful information. Nothing in here is especially complicated. Simple "acts of love" for maximum impact. Not only does it tell you what to do to honor and support others, but she tells you how to do it while loving, supporting, and honoring yourself, so that you can give from the right place. Don't wait until you need this - just get it. You'll be glad you did!"


- Laurie B. Cantus

"Whether you read it cover to cover or open it to a random page, Kim shows you how to put love into action."

- Dr. Neil Clark Warren, Founder, eHarmony

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Combining empathy and productivity when it matters most!

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